
Friday 13 February 2015

Taking Hits and Getting Back Up

Today I’m finding it pretty tough to write.  It’s been one of those days.  Where you rollercoast your way through the day and end up crashing at the end.  So don’t pay too much mind to me today I think this is going to be a slightly ‘off’ post.

As educators we are a giving a whole bunch everyday.  So we need some reserve in the tank for when someone or something takes from us.  I have seen it (and felt it before).  Colleagues upset at missed opportunity.  Struggling through the next little while as they come to grips with things.  And I have probably been guilty of not being as understanding as I could.  And I am sorry.

Taking any kind of hit as a teacher can be tough.  We see teachers burn out and give up on the profession for different careers.  I trained as a scuba instructor before going to teaching and someone even said to me today that I should have kept with it, it would have been more relaxing than teaching.  And they were right. I love teaching but it isn’t easy.

What makes teaching bearable is the people we work with.  The support we get from them and the positivity that helps us to recover from the days to day hits we get.  I am very lucky and work with an amazing team of people.  They are dedicated, hard working and innovative.  They are a team that makes me want get up in the morning and go to work.  

I guess my point is that as teachers we need to be there for each other.  Teaching can be a lonely profession but it shouldn't be.  We shouldn't work in isolation.  We need to support each other.  Just like a boxing match when you take a hit and the bell rings, you have people in your corner to help patch you up.

So my challenge to you is to try and be there for a fellow educator when they are feeling a bit rough. And if the person feeling like they have taken a hit is you.. let your colleagues help you,  it's what a good team does.

Wow! tonight’s #28daysofwriting was tough.  Must be Friday! Have a very happy and relaxing weekend everyone.

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