
Tuesday 3 February 2015

How to Feel Like a Good Teacher - A Perfectionists Guide

This is my 3rd post for #28daysofwriting. I’m feeling a little less motivated tonight and feel like that little thing called time is already creeping up.  So I thought I would write about how sometimes you need to let go of the little things and look at the big picture.

Today I hit that moment when I realised my desk wasn’t as tidy as I would like,  I hadn't gotten the wall displays up that I wanted and that there was still a lot of start of year things to get organised for my class.  I had the nw teacher at my school tell me she was feeling the same and it reminded me of how often we feel swamped as teachers.  

As somewhat of a perfectionist, things bug me when they are not feeling right.  And as a teacher often we get so busy juggling that we drop a ball or two.  So there are times where we just have to remember what is truly important in our job… the learners.  

We were given a reading on our teacher only day about this, from another blog post. (Will find the link if I can for everyone) and it talked about the importance of BEING.  Being there for students, being positive, being kind etc. etc. and this is just so true. But you have got to remember and respect that people are who they are.

As a perfectionist you are probably going to get caught up in making amazing lesson plans, having the most awesome wall displays, having systems that track you students learning, organising your hand in and hand system so it is a flawless well oiled machine.  And you know what… that is absolutely fine.  We need teachers like you.  Just like we need the caring, mother-like teachers and the relaxed nothing bothers me teachers.  We need all different types of teachers to offer a wide range of experience for students.

But my point is that as a perfectionist you will probably have a rough time when things get busy.  Just remember to take time to enjoy the students in your class,  get to know them.  They won't remember you tidy desk or your amazing wall displays but they will remember who you are and the conversations you have with them.

Balance is the key, if you are perfectionist, let the kids see it, it is part of who you are.  Just take the time to show them that you care about them even if they aren't like you.  Show them how to be the best they can be, because you know a few will try and be like you.  

So my final piece of advice comes from my daughter’s favourite movie Frozen… Let It Go… Let It Go…  Because sometime you just need to take time enjoying the moment you are in rather than thinking about the work you have to do next.  I read once that the secret to happiness is to fully enjoy and focus on what you are doing right now… try it.  It will probably make you and your students enjoy your class just a little bit more.

Thanks for reading this my post for #28daysofwriting.  Struggled through a little tonight so I hope it makes sense and strikes a chord with you.  Let me know how you cope with the demands of the job and the stress of never having enough time to feel as good at your job as you want to.  

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