Well Term 4 is a week away and I went into school today to set up my classroom. Tidying up and setting up for the new term made me realise the sheer volume of junk we teachers accumulate; paper, pens, "resources", weekly overviews, term overviews, copies of newsletters, notes home... the list is huge.
The point is this, what is it all for? Do we really need it? Couldn't we do it a better way?
This term I will be getting stuck into the Syndicate 'Hub' an online space were planning and resources can be kept in an attempt to go a little more paperless. I have seen this in action at other schools. Granted they are new schools that have had the time and resources to set them up properly. Full time teaching sometimes keeps you a little busy for the optional extra's like this.
The key online spaces we will need at a syndicate level will be:
1) Planning space and Resources - Links to Google Drive
2) Notes and Admin - A place to put all of the things that you need to keep but don't really want cluttering the place up
3) Professional learning - Places or link to places where our syndicates professional learning notes are kept.
4) Syndicate calendar - Will be able to share events with key people.
That will be a good start!
The value of online hubs like this are clear on a school wide level and developing an Admin Hub to keep everyone informed and collaborating in the same direction.
This term I am also using furniture to break up my classroom into distinct work spaces based on the 7 spaces for learning. Not sure if I like some of the spaces I have made but trial and error will be the key here.
So a busy term trying to find tune some of the practices we have been experimenting with. But long term it will be worth it. Students will have a classroom that better reflects the kinds of learning we want to take part in. The online 'hub' for the syndicate will streamline work and allow teachers to be more collaborative. It means that the call I made today to get my teacher desk out of the room will be workable long term. Because without a desk I have no where for the mountain of paperwork I accumulate throughout a year.